Monday, February 10th, 8:30 am, Farm Bureau Board Room, 69 W Kentucky Ave., Woodland
Wednesday, February 12th, 8:30 am, Evangelical Church, 5219 Church St., Richvale
Wednesday, February 12th, 1:30 pm, Glenn County Office of Education, 311 South Villa Avenue, Willows
Thursday, February 13th, 8:30 am, CIP Conference Room, 100 Sunrise Blvd., Colusa
Yuba City:
Thursday, February 13th, 1:30 pm, 1425 Veterans Hall, Veterans Memorial Cir., Yuba City
TIME: Doors open at 8:00 am and meetings start at 8:30 am at Woodland, Richvale, and Colusa
Doors open at 1:00 pm and meetings start at 1:30 pm at Willows and Yuba City
8:00am (1:00pm) Doors open, sign-in, coffee
8:30am (1:30pm) Rice Research Board Nominations, Lacey Stogsdill, Rice Research Board
8:40am (1:40pm) County Agricultural Commissioner Updates
9:00am (2:00pm) Variety and Milling Quality, Dustin Harrell, Rice Experiment Station Director
9:15am (2:15pm) Climate Smart Ag: Alternate Wetting and Drying, Bruce Linquist, UC Davis
9:25am (2:25pm) Emerging Pests: Nutria/Ludwigia Update, Sarah Marsh Janish, UCCE
9:40am (2:40pm) BREAK
9:55am (2:55pm) New Research Project Updates, Whitney Brim-DeForest, UCCE
10:10am (3:10pm) No-Till Rice Systems/ Fertility Management Update, Bruce Linquist, UC Davis
10:30am (3:30pm) Invertebrate Management Update, Ian Grettenberger, UC Davis
10:45am (3:45pm) Disease Management Update, Luis Espino, UCCE
11:00am (4:00pm) Weed Management Update, Kassim Al-Khatib, UC Davis
11:15am (4:15pm) ADJOURN
***Applied for DPR and CCA CE credits***
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