Congratulations, Tabatha Yang, Recipient of Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Award

You usually see Tabatha Yang, education and outreach coordinator of the Bohart Museum of Entomology, UC Davis Department of Entomology, in the insect museum, answering questions, guiding tours, or doing outreach at schools, festivals, fairs, open houses and other special events. 

She's right at home with a "Oh, my drawers" of insect specimens, and the live critters in the petting zoo--the Madagascar hissing cockroaches, stick insects, tarantulas and more...She's eager to communicate science and draw  interest in insects. 

On April 29, Tabatha Yang was at UC Davis Chancellor Gary May's residence to accept the Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Award for Exceptional University Management and Exceptional University Impact with 11 other outstanding staff.

UC Davis distinguished professor emerita Lynn Kimsey, the 34-year director of the Bohart until her retirement on Feb. 1, accompanied her.

Sandy Batchelor, Human Resources WorkLife manager and awards committee chair, earlier said that Yang embodies "the spirit of engagement, innovation, and inclusivity that defines the university. With 15 years of dedicated service at the Bohart Museum, Tabatha spearheads a variety of educational initiatives aimed at demystifying and highlighting insects, spiders, science, and higher education." 

"Through open houses, classroom visits, fairs, festivals, and other outreach programs, she helps the museum connect with more than 10,000 people each year. Under her leadership, museum walk-ins, tours and tabling events provide opportunities for students, staff and faculty to engage in science communication, highlight research and connect with others."

Yang annually chairs the committee that hosts UC Davis Biodiversity Museum Day, a “Super Science Day”  that showcases 10 to 12 museums or collections and highlights UC Davis' research, collections and biodiversity, drawing thousands to campus. 

She is also the founder and director of Bio Boot Camps, an immersive experience that ignites passion and curiosity in teenagers from around the globe. These camps, held annually since 2011, except during COVID, offer a gateway to the wonders of ecology, scientific exploration, and campus life. Campers tour UC Davis and its museums and collections and embark on scientific explorations of the UC Davis Putah Creek Riparian Reserve, Quail Ridge Field Station, Bodega Marine Laboratory and Bodega Marine Reserve and UC Berkeley's Sagehen Creek Field Station. With needs-based scholarships, Tabatha ensures inclusivity, making dreams a reality for aspiring young scientists.

Tabatha, a Cornell University alumna, shares her science educational background with her husband, community ecologist and professor Louie Yang,  a Cornell alumnus who received his doctorate from UC Davis. He joined the UC Davis entomology faculty in 2009.

The list of recipients of the inaugural award:

Exceptional University Management

  • Nichole Mahaffey, clinical trials data team supervisor and assistant director of PRMS, Comprehensive Cancer Center Office of Clinical Research
  • Santana Diaz, executive chef, Food and Nutrition Services 
  • Morgan Luthi, director of curriculum and educational technology, Office of Medical Education
  • Wendy Lilliedoll, director of investigations, Office of Compliance and Policy
  • Shannon Tanguay, budget director, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean's Office
  • Jason Herum, diving safety officer, Bodega Marine Laboratory

Exceptional University Impact:

  • Kelly Yurosky, pediatric bone marrow transplant coordinator, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
  • Abigail Borbe, senior clinical research coordinator, Pediatrics
  • Leah Galasso, technical project manager, Clinical Informatics
  • Bill Tuck, fiscal officer, Physics and Astronomy
  • Elizabeth Sturdy, director of mentoring and Academic Success Initiatives, Graduate Studies
  • Tabatha Yang, Bohart Museum education and outreach coordinator, Department of Entomology and Nematology

Meanwhile, Yang is busily planning, scheduling and organizing more outreach activities. 

Next Open House. The next Bohart Museum open house is from 1 to 4 p.m., Sunday, May 19. The theme: "Bees, Both Wild and Managed." It will feature the research of university professors (more information pending). All open houses are free and family friendly.

The Bohart Museum is located in Room 1124 of the Academic Surge Building, 455Crocker Lane.  Professor Jason Bond succeeded Kimsey on Feb. 1 as the Bohart Museum director. He is the Evert and Marion Schlinger Endowed Chair of the Department of Entomology and Nematology, and the associate dean, UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. He also serves as president-elect of the American Arachnological Society.