Flowering Maple - Abutilon

Jan 7, 2015

Flowering Maple - Abutilon

Jan 7, 2015

Abutilon-Lucky-Lantern-Yellow-IMG 7411





I was visiting one of my favorite nursery a few days ago and I had to stop and admire all the Abutilons that were blooming in many colors, from dark red to light yellow. I have grown one hybrid in my zone 9 yard for over 5 years now and it's always a bright spot in the winter garden. I have it where it gets some protection from the hottest afternoon sun.

They can get large 8 to 10' and can get a little rangy if you don't keep them pruned back each year. But growth habits vary widely by variety, so do your home work and you will be happy with this shrub for many years to come.      


Attractive evergreen foliage.

Blooms come in many colors and look like bells or lanterns.  

They like moderate to regular water.

Attract Hummingbirds and Butterflies.

Prune back hard in the spring for bushier plants.

Plant in Partial shade in hot areas.


Sherry Maltby

By Gerry L Hernandez
Author - Field Research Assistant, Master Gardener Coordinator