Current events: Bugs, Bugs and More Bugs!

Feb 2, 2015

Asian Citrus Psyllid

The Saturday Sacramento Bee's Garden section talks about 7 insects that are relatively new to our area. Read about 2 of them here.

  • Asian Citrus Psyllid - This insect can carry a devastating disease. The disease can kill your trees and has devastated citrus orchards in Florida. It is working it's way up the San Joaquin and Sacramento valley. The ACP has been found as far north as San Joaquin County. The ACP has two distinguishing features. The adult sticks it's "hinny" in the air when feeding. The nymphs produce a curly waxy substance. If you think you have this pest please bring it in an air tight container to the Ag Commissioner's office or the UCCE Master Gardener office.
  • Brown Marmorated Stink Bug - This insect is an agricultural, garden and household pest. It is a large stink but at 5/8's of an inch. It has been found in all counties surrounding Colusa County. There is a good chance it will be here in 2015. The distinguishing features are white segments on it's antenna and legs. Also, it STINKS and it STINKS! Currently no household insecticides work on this insect. If you find it please bring it in an airtight container to the Ag Commissioner's office or the UC Master Gardener office.

To read the Sacramento Bee's article click here.

UC Integrated Pest Management

By Gerry L Hernandez
Author - Field Research Assistant, Master Gardener Coordinator