Nuture your soil

Feb 20, 2015


Nurture the Soil

1. Grasscycling

A. Did you know that grass clippings have 4% nitrogen. By putting the clippings back into the lawn you are using less fertilizer.

2. Mulch Regularly

A. Mulch is any material spread over the soil. It can be leaf litter, bark or rocks

B. You need 2-4 inches at all times to suppress weeds

3. Feed Soils Naturally

A. Add a thin layer of compost to your soil

B. Feed turf by topdressing with compost instead of commercial fertilizer

C. Apply compost 2-4 times a year to your plants instead of commercial fertilizer


4. Minimize the use of Chemical Pesticides

A. Many pesticides are toxic to microbes and other soil dwelling creatures, worms are great workers and we need to keep them alive

B. If pesticides are needed chose the least toxic first. Always read the label

C. Learn IPM



Conserve water

Enhance plant growth

Suppress weeds

Improve the appearance of your garden


By Gerry L Hernandez
Author - Field Research Assistant, Master Gardener Coordinator