Save Water in your Garden and Landscape, part 1

Mar 9, 2015

Save Water in your Garden and Landscape, part 1

Mar 9, 2015

Mulch and flowers

This is a 7 part series on saving water in your garden and landscape. Here is part 1.

1. Create drought resistant soils

  1. By incorporating 2-4 inches of compost into the soil you will increase the water holding capacity of the soil
  2. Topdressing compost around plants will reduce water needs but not up to the plant base.       Space @ the base.
  3. Mulch all exposed soil to reduce evaporation with bark, leaf litter or rocks


  • Reduced water usage


These simple steps can save a lot of water, beautify your landscape and improve plant health!


Watch for our next installment on Monday March 16, 2015.



By Gerry L Hernandez
Author - Field Research Assistant, Master Gardener Coordinator