More Water-wise Plants

May 6, 2015

It's water-wise plant Wednesday!



Pigsqueak (Bergenia crassifolia)

Bergenia has a dense cluster of pink flowers that bloom in winter and spring. This classic California garden plant is for a dry or moist shady border. The broad and shiny leaves provide textural contrast. The flowers attract beneficial insects.


  California fescue

California fescue or Blue fescue (Festuca californica)

Blue fescue is a California native plant that tolerates our summer drought and various soil types. It has graceful, gray-green leaves and airy flowers that mature to a golden yellow color. The flowers attract butterflies.


 ivy leaf cyclamen

Ivy leaf cyclamen (Cyclamen hederifolium)

The scented rose-pink or white flowers bloom in late summer and early fall before the leaves emerge. This needs to be planted in dry shade. The ivy leaf cyclamen tolerates a wide variety of soil types and can also grow well in containers.


By Gerry L Hernandez
Author - Field Research Assistant, Master Gardener Coordinator