2801 Second Street
Davis, CA 95618-7774
(530) 750-1241

Also in:
Yolo County
Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
Sacramento County
Solano County
As a member of the UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program (UC IPM), I serve as the Associate Director for Urban & Community IPM and the Area Urban IPM Advisor for Sacramento, Yolo, and Solano Counties. As Associate Director, I provide leadership and coordinate communication and collaboration to address pest issues around homes, structures, landscapes, gardens, schools, and public areas, working with various audiences who live in or serve these areas. I oversee UC IPM’s statewide urban educational materials, including the UC IPM website, Pest Notes publications, Quick Tips, and other resources. I am responsible for developing education materials, securing grant funding, project management, analyzing program impacts, and supervising our small but amazing team of writers and educators.
As a cooperative extension advisor, I conduct research and outreach for the Capital Corridor area, currently focusing on organic herbicides as alternatives to glyphosate, investigating the population of the invasive insect brown marmorated stink bug, and addressing local issues surrounding pests of public health significance, including bed bugs, rodents, mosquitoes, and cockroaches.
- IPM Achievement Award
Presented by California Department Pesticide Regulation, https://www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/pestmgt/ipminov/awards/21awards.htm, 2021
- IPM Innovator Award
Presented by California Department Pesticide Regulation, http://www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/pestmgt/ipminov/awardmenu.htm, 2013
Integrated Pest ManagementAreas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Plant Protection
- Insects, Mites, and Other Arthropods Affecting Plants
- Pathogens and Nematodes Affecting Plants
- Vertebrates, Mollusks, and Other (Non Arthropod, Pathogen, Nematode, Weed) Pests
- Biological Control of Pests Affecting Plants
- Integrated Pest Management Systems
- Beneficial Insects
- Pollution Prevention and Mitigation
- Pest Management/Diseases
- Ipm
- Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases
Peer Reviewed
- Hayden, L; Oki, LR, et al. (2023). Residential Adoption of Best Landscape Management Practices: Effects of Outreach to Reduce Non-Point Source Pollution. Land. 12 (2):382. 01/31/2023.
- Windbiel-Rojas, K; Matuskey, R, et al. (2021). Delusional infestation: What nurses should know. Nursing Management. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 51:8, 5. August.
- Windbiel-Rojas, K; Messenger-Sikes, B (2020). Sooty Mold. Pest Notes. Oakland, CA, UC ANR Publication 74108. 4. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn74108.html
- Windbiel-Rojas, Karey (2019). Centipedes and Millipedes. Pest Notes. Oakland, CA, UC ANR Publication 7472. 4 pp. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7472.html
- Flint, M. L.; Sutherland, A. M., et al. (2018). Vegetable Pest Identification for Gardens and Small Farms. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. 3553, 51 pp.
- Perry, E. J.; Windbiel-Rojas, K (2014). Boxelder Bug. Pest Notes. Oakland, CA, UC ANR Publication 74114. 3 pp. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn74114.html
- Goodell, Peter B.; Zalom, Frank G., et al. (2014). "MAINTAINING LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT: Over 35 years, integrated pest management has reduced pest risks and pesticide use." California Agriculture 68(4): 153-157.
Non-Peer Reviewed
- Fordyce, L; Messenger-Sikes, B, et al. (2024). Home & Garden Pest News. UC IPM. 4:2, 2. 7/16/2024. https://ipm.ucanr.edu/legacy_assets/pdf/pubs/summer_2024-home-garden-pest-newsletter.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, K (2023). Organic Herbicides for Weed Control in Urban Landscapes. Green Bulletin. UC IPM. 12:3, 5. 02/27/2023. https://ipm.ucanr.edu/legacy_assets/pdf/pubs/greenbulletin.winter.2023.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, K; Messenger-Sikes, B (2022). Common Spiders Around the Home. Home and Garden Pest Newsletter. UC IPM. 2:3, 1. 10/11/2022. https://ipm.ucanr.edu/legacy_assets/pdf/pubs/fall_2022_home-garden-pest-newsletter.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, K (2022). What are Abiotic Plant Disorders? Home and Garden Pest Newsletter. UC IPM. 2:2, 1. 07/21/2022. https://ipm.ucanr.edu/legacy_assets/pdf/pubs/summer 2022_home-garden-pest-newsletter.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, K; Messenger-Sikes, B (2021). The Dangers of Homemade Pest Control Remedies. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM Newsletter. UC IPM. 11:1, 4. Spring. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/Spring_2021_Retail_Newsletter.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, K (2020). Alternatives to Glyphosate: Efficacy and Trade-offs in the Landscape. Proceedings of the 72nd Annual Conference of the California Weed Science Society of America. https://www.cwss.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Proceedings-2020-Complete-PDF_061120.pdf
- Reiter, Maggie; Windbiel-Rojas, Karey (2020). Organic herbicides and glyphosate for weed control: results of coordinated experiments in urban landscapes. CAPCA Advisor. 23:1, 6 pp. February. https://capca.com/publication/capca-adviser-february-2020/
- Windbiel-Rojas, K (2020). Stop the Spread of Invasive Pests. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM Newsletter. 10:2, pp. 1. Summer. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/Summer_2020_Retail_Newsletter.pdf
- Lander, E; Windbiel-Rojas, K (2020). Unwanted Indoor Critters? There’s a Pest Notes for that! Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM Newsletter. 10:3, 1. Winter. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/Winter_2020_Retail_Newsletter.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, K; Messenger-Sikes, B (2020). Using Disinfectants and Sanitizers Safely. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM Newsletter. 10:1, pp. 3. Spring. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/Spring_2020_Retail_Newsletter.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, K; Roncoroni, J (2019). Organic Herbicide Trials in Yolo and Sacramento Counties. Proceedings of the 71st Annual Conference of the Calfornia Weed Science Society. p 33. https://www.cwss.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/2019proceedings-for-website-040119.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, Karey (2019). Reading the Pesticide Label. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News. 9:1. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/Spring_2019_Retail_Newsletter.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, Karey (2019). UC IPM Resources for Landscape Pest Management Professionals. Green Bulletin. 9:1. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/greenbulletin.2019.winter.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, Karey (2019). Wear the Right Gear When Using Pesticides. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News. 9:2. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/Summer_2019_Retail_Newsletter.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, Karey (2018). Mosquito Problems in Garden Centers. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News. 8:2. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/Summer_2018_Retail_Newsletter.pdf
- Messenger-Sikes, B; Windbiel-Rojas, K (2018). New Fipronil Label Protects Water. Green Bulletin. 8:1. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/greenbulletin.2018.spring.pdf
- Messenger-Sikes, B; Windbiel-Rojas, K (2018). When Familiar Pesticides Change. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News. 8:2, 2 pp. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/Summer_2018_Retail_Newsletter.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, K.; Schellman, A. (2017). Retailers Attend IPM Workshops on Invasive Pests and More. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News. 7:1, 4 pp. May 2017. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/retailipmnews.2017.may.pdf
- Schellman, A; Windbiel-Rojas, K (2016). Retailers Receive IPM Training in 2016. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News. 6:1, 4 pp. March 2016. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/retailipmnews.2016.march.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, Karey (2016). Zika, Mosquitoes, and Repellents. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News. UC IPM. 6:2:2, 4 pp. August 2016. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/retailipmnews.2016.august.pdf
- Swain, S. V.; Windbiel-Rojas, K. (2015). Dealing with Pantry Pests. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News. 5:2, 4 pp. July 2015. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/retailipmnews.2015.july.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, Karey (2014). Excluding Migratory Birds from Buildings. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News. 4:3. November 2014. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/retailpmnews.2014.nov.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, Karey (2013). Using Traps and Barriers for Insects and Other Pests. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News. 3:3. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/retailipmnews.2013.oct.pdf
- Windbiel-Rojas, Karey (2012). Tools for Removing Dandelions and Other Weeds. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News. 2:2. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/retailipmnews.2012.jun.pdf
California Agriculture Article Contributions
ANR Workgroup Associations
- Entomology - Member
- Landscape and Urban Horticulture - Member
- Pest Management in ANR - Member
- Urban Agriculture - Member
- Weed - Member
- Wildlife - Member