World Migratory Bird Day

May 9, 2016

Mud nests made by a colony of cliff swallows. [W.P.Gorenzel]
World Migratory Bird Day (May 10) is a yearly event to help promote awareness about migratory birds and their habitats. The campaign celebrates the migration of birds across countries and continents and focuses on their conservation.

However, during their migration, these birds may cause problems for occupants in urban areas. The birds may nest in colonies on buildings and other structures and their activities can be a nuisance.

Laws that Protect Birds

If migratory bird activities are causing issues in your building, make sure you know the law before you take any action. Certain birds that nest on dwellings may be protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty and Endangered Species Act. To learn more about exclusion of birds from structures and about the laws which protect them, read the blog article “Excluding Migratory Birds from Buildings”.

By Anne Schellman
Author - Master Gardener Coordinator