October Pest Tips

October Pest Tips

Fall is finally here! Things may be slowing down in our gardens and landscapes, but don't forget to check for pests and take steps to prevent them from returning next year.

The UC IPM Seasonal Landscape IPM Checklist is a monthly guide to help you avoid common pests of landscape plants. Here are some general tips for the month of October. Visit the checklist online to see more pest management to-dos for your region.

  • Prevent root rot by not overwatering and improving drainage.
  • Remove and discard old, infected flowers and apply fresh organic mulch beneath plants to manage petal blight of azalea, rhododendron, and camellia.
  • Treat carpenter bee tunnels during fall if intolerable.
  • Monitor citrus plants for damage and pests such as Asian citrus psyllid, brown rot, leafminer, root rots, and snails.
  • Manage ants around landscapes and building foundations using insecticide baits and trunk barriers.
  • If pine tree branches need removal, prune October through January to avoid attracting pine bark beetles, pitch moths, western gall rust, and wood borers.
  • Make a preventative spray for olive peacock spot, or scab on apple, pear, olive, and other trees before the rainy season if the disease has been severe.

Don't see your county on the checklist or want to provide feedback? Let us know!