Let Us Prey

So here's this female praying mantis, Stagmomantis limbata, camouflaged on a narrow-leaf milkweed, Asclepias fasciculari, in a Vacaville garden.

If she thinks she's going to ambush a monarch, she has another think coming. No monarchs in the garden.

If she thinks she's going to ambush a bee, no way. No bees in the garden early this morning. 

If she thinks she's going to munch on oleander aphids (which she probably won't), there are plenty. 

Fact is, she doesn't "think" like we do. She will wait, quite patiently, to ambush prey. Even in the pending triple temperatures of the day.

When the heat becomes unbearable, she will slip beneath the leaves, but still maintain a lookout.

Ms. Mantis will be patient. She is always patient. 

Patience is her middle name (Stagmomantis "Patience" limbata) and prey is her game.