Annual California Rice Field Day

Aug 19, 2022

Annual California Rice Field Day

Aug 19, 2022

IMG 1039
The annual Rice Field Day will be Wednesday, August 31, 2022, at the Rice Experiment Station (RES), Biggs, California. We cordially invite you and your associates to join us for this event. The purpose of the Rice Field Day is to allow rice growers and others to observe and discuss research in progress at RES. Rice Field Day is sponsored by the California Cooperative Rice Research Foundation (CCRRF) and the University of California (UC). We also seek and receive support from many agricultural businesses and plan a rice equipment vendor display.

Following is a brief outline of the Rice Field Day program:


8:30 - 9:15 a.m.     GENERAL SESSION

• CCRRF Annual Membership Meeting

• Rice Research Trust Report

• California Rice Industry Award

9:30 - Noon            FIELD TOURS OF RICE RESEARCH

• Variety Improvement

• Disease Resistance

• Insects and Control

• Weeds and Control

Noon                      LUNCHEON CONCLUDES PROGRAM

Lunch will be served in the New Research Building with seating at the tables on the lawns under the canopies. The program will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a General Session that serves as the Annual CCRRF Membership Meeting. Posters and demonstrations will be in place during registration until after lunch. Field tours of research will emphasize progress in rice variety improvement, disease, insect, and weed control. The program will conclude at noon with a lunch that includes rice.

We hope to see you on August 31st. The RES is located at 955 Butte City Highway (Hwy. 162), approximately two- and one-half miles west of Highway 99 north of Biggs, California.

By Whitney Brim-DeForest
Author - CE Rice and Wild Rice Advisor, Master Gardener Advisor, UC Integrated Pest Management Program Afilliate