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Crop Production Estimates

Oct 14, 2011

On October 12, the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) released its rice crop production estimate. California's estimate was adjusted down from the September estimate; from 8,400 lbs to 8,300 lbs/a. The good growing conditions we had during 2011 certainly justify the good yield prediction; hopefully the weather will cooperate during what's left of harvest. The last storm we had put a lot of rice in the ground.

IMG 2566

Below is the data concerning rice from NASS's report.

Rice area harvested and yield: 2010 and forecasted October 1, 2011

State Area harvested Yield
2010 2011 2010 2011
1,000 acres lbs
Arkansas 1,785 1,155 6,480 6,800
California 553 588 8,020 8,300
Louisiana 535 420 6,100 6,400
Mississippi 303 153 6,850 7,100
Missouri 251 128 6,480 7,200
Texas 188 180 7,160 7,000

Production is forecast at 187 million cwt, down 2 percent from September and 23 percent below last year. Area for harvest is expected to total 2.62 million acres, unchanged from September but 27 percent lower than 2010. The average United States yield is forecast at 7,123 pounds per acre, down 150 pounds from last month but up 398 pounds from last year.

Record-high yields are expected in Missouri and Louisiana. If realized, production in Arkansas, the largest rice-producing State, will be the lowest since 1996.


By Luis Espino
Author - Rice Farming Systems Advisor