Large rice water weevil flight at Rice Experiment Station

May 9, 2012

Large RWW flight at RES (Biggs, CA) night of April 30.  We got over 2100 RWW which exceeds the total number captured the entire season in 2011 (a record low with only 415) and rivals the seasonal total for any year of the last 10 (except 2009 which was over 6000).  The night of April 29 appears to have over 500 adults as well (have not counted them yet).  The environmental conditions for flight did not appear ideal during those nights but I guess it was “good enough”.  Am I predicting a heavy weevil year?  It seems the infestation patterns are very localized now as opposed to coming from long-range flights so a prediction is hard to come up with.  But this pest is certainly “out and about” and waiting for flooded conditions. 


By Larry Godfrey
Author - CE Specialist