Aug 16, 2018 | View All Issues
August IPM Breakfast Meeting
Yuba-Sutter-Colusa Counties
Friday, August 17th, 2018
7:30am – 9:00am
IHOP Restaurant, 1310 Franklin Rd, Yuba City, CA
(No-host breakfast)
Join Area IPM Advisor Emily Symmes and Sacramento Valley Orchard Systems Farm Advisors Janine Hasey and Franz Niederholzer to discuss current pest management and production issues in orchard crops.
Please contact Emily Symmes to request topics or bring your questions to the meeting!
Space is limited – please RSVP to Emily Symmes at (530) 538-7201 or to let us know you plan to attend.
**DPR and CCA hours requested (1.5 other)**
Monthly meetings are planned throughout the Sacramento Valley (third Friday of the month), so if you are unable to join us next week, keep the following dates and locations in mind and visit for updates!
Tehama: September 21
Glenn: October 19
If you have any accessibility concerns, please contact Emily at
(205KB PDF)