Jan 21, 2020 | View All Issues
Colusa Winter Almond Meeting
Granzella’s Banquet Hall, Williams, CA
457 7th St, Williams, CA 95987
January 22, 2020
2.0 hours of PCA credits Approved (0.5 hr of Laws & Regs, 1.5 hours Other)
3.0 hours of CCA credits Approved (0.5 hr Nutrient Mgmt, 0.5 hr Soil & Water Mgmt, 2.0 hr IPM)
Generous support of this program is provided by:
Colusa-Glenn Farm Credit
8:00 SIGN-IN
8:15 Weed management in young almonds - Drew Wolter, Plant Sciences Department, UC Davis
8:45 Almond disease (fungal & bacterial) management at bloom - Dr. Jim Adaskeveg, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, UC Riverside
9:30 Navel orangeworm management survey - Phoebe Gordon, Farm Advisor, Madera/Merced County
10:00 BREAK
10:15 Navel orangeworm management - Emily Symmes, UC IPM Area Advisor, Sacramento Valley
10:45 Laws and Regulations Update - Anastacia Allan, Assistant Ag Commissioner, Colusa County
11:15 Boron nutrition review - Franz Niederholzer, Farm Advisor, UCCE Colusa County
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