Welcome to UCCE Colusa County
What is UC Cooperative Extension?
The University of California's 64 Cooperative Extension (UCCE) offices are local problem-solving centers. More than 400 campus-based specialists and county-based farm, home, and youth advisors work as teams to bring the University's research-based information to Californians. UCCE is a full partnership of federal, state, county, and private resources linked in applied research and educational outreach. UCCE tailors its programs to meet local needs. UCCE's many teaching tools include meetings, conferences, workshops, demonstrations, field days, newsletters, video programs and manuals. Thousands of volunteers extend UCCE's outreach efforts by assisting with nutrition and 4-H youth development programs along with Master Gardener, Master Food Preserver, and more.
Colusa County at a Glance
Colusa County is located in the western portion of the lower Sacramento Valley. Colusa was one of California's original counties, founded in 1850. Colusa County has a land mass of 1150 square miles, with only 6 miles of water. Most of the valley is good crop land, while the foothills are largely used for grazing or recreation. The western portion of the county is defined by the Coastal Mountain Range.
Agriculture is an vital component of the local economy. The major crops are rice, almonds, and processing tomatoes. An important aspect of the UCCE Colusa County office is its management of the Nickels Soil Laboratory in Arbuckle. This is a resource that most county offices do not have, but it has provided important applied research and extension opportunities for the tree crops programs throughout the state.
Contact Information
University of California
Cooperative Extension
Colusa County
100 Sunrise Boulevard
Suite E
PO Box 180
Colusa, CA 95932
Phone: (530) 458-0570
Fax: (530) 458-4625
Event Name | Date |
Colusa 4-H Club Meeting | 2/24/2025 |
Nickels Field Day | 5/14/2025 |